Dr.Dixit's SuperSpeciality Homoeopathy
The clinic is absolutely simple with a basic concept to cater people of all fields and all aspects. Main aim is to be clear and true to all our patients and to explain as to what they are suffering and to what aspect can we help them.
We cater patients of all diseases be it hair, skin, males, child, old age,Female Problem, Infertility, Psycological cases, & Sexual Issues etc. Our motto is to give Homoeopathy in a simplest way.
“Think Homoeopathy, Think Dr.Dixit's”
We have Number of clients from all works of life be it corporate sector, medical sector, embassy, teaching etc. Our future plan lies in our patient’s satisfaction .We sees our growth in their cure, and that what decides our success. If our patients is cured and satisfied we are done with our motto.